Fluer'a Mhelte

Location: Crystal - Zalera

"The name is Fluer'a Mhelte. Feel free to drop the silly Keeper formalities and call me Fluer."A strange Miqo'te that takes pride in his "hunting" skills and crafts. Little do others know, he has a devious plan to take over the entire realm of Hydaelyn... That is if he can stop getting distracted.

Age: 18 in ARR, now "forever" 23
Nameday: 14th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon (2/13)
Race: Miqo'te / Keeper of the Moon
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Hair: Light blue with a small patch of black
Eyes: Green
Height: 5' 7" / 170cm
Weight: Light enough for a male Au'Ra to pick up with ease
Build: Skinny with barely any muscle
Scars: One over his right eye, another on his left cheek, and a huge stab wound just under his heart
Personality: On the surface, Fluer'a is an anxious, clumsy boy with no sense of balance. He gets extremely flirty when he finds someone attractive. Alcohol is something he can't handle well and even the smallest amount will render him less functional and vulnerable. Once someone gets to know Fluer'a, they will realize that he is an exceptionally different person than what he makes himself to be.


  • Fluer'a is blind without his glasses. What he sees without them is comparable to looking into a foggy mirror

  • He started lying about his age at one point. He's actually younger than he says he is (he's at least 20)

  • He has a stutter when he's nervous. He also starts sweating when he thinks he's in danger

  • The age gap between Fluer'a and his older sisters is at least 10 years. Him and his brother were an accident

  • Fluer'a feels uncomfortable when a woman flirts with him. He will freeze up and possibly start crying because he's afraid of rejecting her and hurting her feelings

  • You can most likely find him in a restaurant eating a large amount of food, but no meal for him is complete without a rolanberry cheesecake

  • Even though he doesn't exactly -hate- them, Fluer'a tends to avoid eating vegetables

  • He gravitates towards other Miqo'te and the occasional Viera because he wants to touch the fluff

His family consists of his parents—who are well-off merchants and have since settled down in the Black Shroud— his younger brother, and two older sisters. His sisters had enlisted in the Order of the Twin Adder and fought in the Battle of Carteneau, with only the oldest returning alive.

Having come from a small village, Fluer’a lived a peaceful life in the Black Shroud. While his family was too busy to raise him and his twin, the adults in the village looked after them in their stead. The village and his family consisted mostly of women, and Fluer'a views them in high regard.As he grew up, Fluer'a and his brother were inseparable, rarely seen alone. Being the mischievous pair, they would watch for anyone that had any ill intentions towards his family, making sure that they were never seen again.
After the Seventh Umbral Calamity, Fluer’a started training as a lancer, so he could become strong enough to make sure he never lost a loved one again. Once he turned 18, him and his brother decided to live independently and set off on their own adventures. Not even 12 hours after separating from him, he lost his glasses and blindly headed into Gridania to buy new ones—which set off a chain of conflict after conflict in this so-called adventure.

As of now, Fluer'a works as an informant and a contract assassin. Despite his family being alive and well, he got adopted by a very successful Viera businesswoman to keep them safe and to cover up his true ambitions. You can attempt to squeeze any information about his past, family, and his thoughts if you manage to make your way into his heart, just make sure you handle it with care if you enjoy living.


  • If you need information or someone to disappear, walk into his day job and ask to cuddle the softest blue Miqo'te. Fluer'a will probably accept the job... But remember that he's extremely food motivated first.

  • If, for some reason, you encounter him at Wolves' Den Pier, feel free to challenge him to a duel. Fluer'a will reluctantly accept and most likely lose.

  • Mistaken Fluer'a for his brother. If you know basic Keeper culture, you can most likely figure out his name. The results will be hilarious.

  • He's taking a deep interest in the sudden influx of male Viera that started to roam Eorzea. If you are one of them, try to flirt with Fluer'a and see if you can catch his heart or the end of his spear.

  • Being the oldest son of his family and raised by mostly women, Fluer'a secretly longs for an older brother figure. Maybe you're a Miqo'te fit for the role.

  • I am very adult so I prefer my RP partner to be at least 21

  • I'm open for ERP if it's relevant to the plot All new romantic/sexual relationsips are on pause! Sorry! ;-;

  • You can easily find me at Cuddle Den, Nocturnum, or Cabbit Patch

  • Feel free to walk up and /tell when my tag is on

  • I leave my tag on during roulettes to scare others sometimes

  • Long term Discord RP is preferred

Remember that OOC is not IC and whatever dumb thing Fluer'a would do is not necessairly what I would do🚫MINORS DNI🚫

★★★ DISCLAIMER: I can't predict the future and fortune tellings are for entertainment purposes only. Remember to take each reading with a grain of salt and that the results might not come out to your liking. Do not take my words as solid advice either. ★★★★ All readings are done by me in character but you yourself can be either in or out of character. We will meet and sit in a designated spot. Depending on what option you choose, please expect to spend 30 minutes up to 2 hours with me. I use the Golden Thread Tarot or Tarot of Pagan Cats deck.Party finder reading: FREE! (tips optional)
★ Available whenever I put up a PF entry!
★ This is a 1 or 3 card spread, plus a bonus card if you need a little more clarity
★ Please join the party and don't use /tell
Celtic Cross reading: 50,000 gil
★ This is a 10 card spread, it might take a while to finish
★ Please send a /tell if you want to schedule a reading
Character Creation/Developent Help: 75,000 gil
★ Great for if you're starting RP and you're stuck on character building
★ This is a 10 card spread, this will take a long time to finish
★ Please send a /tell if you want to schedule a reading